Shayan Hosseini

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I’m a software engineer at Axiom.

I got my MSc in computer science from the University of British Columbia. I worked with Ivan Beschastnikh on distributed systems and formal verification.

I spent 5 years in the industry building cloud services, where I managed teams of 5-10 engineers. I was an early member of the internal infrastructure team at Cafe Bazaar that turned into a public cloud company, Sotoon. I started and led the CDN team there, serving a few percent of the internet traffic in Iran.

I was an avid competitive programmer back in the day. I was an ACM ICPC World Finalist in 2017 and won second place twice in the ACM ICPC West Asia Regional Contest. In high school, I won a silver medal in the Iranian National Olympiad in Informatics.

You can find my resume here.



MSc Thesis Thumbnail

Reconciling the Model-Implementation Duality in PGo
Shayan Hosseini
MSc Thesis, University of British Columbia

PGo workflow diagram

Compiling Distributed System Models with PGo
Finn Hackett, Shayan Hosseini, Renato Costa, Matthew Do, Ivan Beschastnikh
Distinguished Artifact Award